Probability Read online

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  ‘You tell me, what should I do?’

  ‘I know that you are just a symbol away from wellness of your own. This symbol can come to you in two different ways. First, it may come as powerful energy enough to override all your past symbols. Or it may come as something, which shall make you realize that your past symbols were not right. I understand that the troubled married life of your parents had impacted your childhood. I also understand that in the contemporary cultural milieu, marriages are no more a sure symbol of bliss and wellness. All I wish to bring to your discretion is that you need to assess things of your life from a different perspective and then decide.’

  ‘That is why I ask you; tell me what I should do.’

  ‘I only wish you to have best in life and for this to happen, I want you to have an empowered consciousness, one that decides on key issues of life-living wellness and personal excellence on the basis of objective parameters and benchmarks and not the subjective choices, shaded by cultured consciousness. And I am surely not in a hurry. I still have few decades left to die’.

  ‘And what should I do now?’

  ‘Hmmm… this question opens up the lid of the sealed vessel of probabilities,’ he says mimicking her mannerism.

  ‘What probabilities…?’

  ‘Oh God… a young woman asking about probabilities to a man, in the youthfulness of night, that too after a steamy coffee…!

  ‘Stop teasing me and tell me what I am asking. What you think I should do?’

  ‘I think, and surely your magnificently delicious coffee makes me think better; you should leave it for your innate self to perform the finality of mutuality talk.’

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘Ask your mind to close shops and let your body do its business.’

  ‘What business?’

  ‘The artistry of instinctive instrumentality…’

  ‘What is the start like… how does it go…?’

  ‘All good enterprise of utility starts with small and innocuous investment on basics. Then it grows on and subsequent value-additions keep the growth going for ages. You start with a long overdue investment of a gentle hug and let the business grow…’

  ‘Are you sure this business of basics shall attain the success of mutuality?’

  ‘The probabilities are high.’

  ‘Why? Explain it.’

  ‘You know it better than me that human mind is the genius of worst ingenuities. As I told you before, there is nothing called realism, when it comes to practicalities of life. There may be an absolute situationalism called true realism but then, for all practical purposes, you and I live our lives based on subjective perceptions of the realism. This subjective realism always has both elements of facts as well as fictions as consciousness does not discriminate between the two. The bodies however are driven by core instincts and experts say that raw instincts are pure and basic. They usually don’t mislead you. Rather, bodies are minimalists and settle for crude and elemental utilities.

  ‘… make it simple for me… dumb it down…’

  ‘Okay. It is like; even a grain of sugar out of a spoonful is enough for your tongue to declare that it is sweet. The crude and elemental realism is sweetness. It is however, an issue of debate and subjective discretion as how much of it – the realism of sweetness – you would want in your coffee for it to be enough. The body accepts larger utility of the same realism, whereas the mind stupids around the vagaries of interpretative realisms. The body, say your tongue, is invariably a minimalist. For it, even a grain is enough. That is why I said; let your body do the business. It has the innate mechanism to find the easy and straight road to mutuality as it is the minimalist businessperson.’

  ‘May be, you are right but how come the body be a good businessperson? We are concerned about good business, not just any stupid business?’

  ‘Sure, we mean good business; rather a hugely successful business. I tell you a real story. I was leading my company’s acquisition and merger plan once and the owner of the company we were eying was hell-bent on acquiring a majority share in the merged entity. We were offering him 49 percent stake. I told him that we would accept his bid if the new sales figure after merger escalated 10-15 percent. However, if the sales went up beyond that, we would have our way and he would have to accept it. He agreed, as he was sure sales hike would be even below 10 percent. I played on the instinct, as I knew, after the merger, our combined economies of scale would make the cost down by 30 percent and if we would pass the benefit to customers, the sales would surely go up beyond 20 percent. I finally won as bodies did the trick. People love price-cuts and instinctively accept a mutuality as successful and good, if it favors their wellness. We branded the merger as one big mutuality enterprise and simultaneously branded the price-cuts as some festive-gift to our customers. Everyone loves a good marriage and a nice wedding-gift. It is a matter of bare basics of instincts. Economics of desires are often simple, crude and elemental. It is the domain of finance and profitability, which usually complicates a beautiful enterprise. Good enterprises must trust the utility and suitability of the bare basic of body economics.’

  ‘Hmmm… Good…! But what if the business venture fails…?’

  ‘Madame corporate strategist, who knows it better than you that a sincere enterprise never fails… a failure is seed-stuff for series of future successes… the learning from failures are roadmap to ultimate success and ….’

  He fails to complete his sentence as her preliminary investment makes him speechless. The kiss comes first and the hug follows.

  The core utility and creativity of humanity surely seems to emanate out of the raw mechanism. The brains must have been designed for acceptance and assimilation of the unprocessed body needs. The cultural clutter of the mind consciousness does not seem brain’s core competence. It is surely a necessary evil of sorts. That is probably why men and women can create and handle complicated machines brilliantly; however, they fail to handle even simple relationships. The cultural conveniences often blur the simple yet potent template of body-wellness and excellence. Bodies surely have raw and innately well-channeled pathways with brain. When bodies are on the forefront of human enterprise of wellness and excellence, life-living choices seem to have better mutuality with ambient milieus. The primary and base brain channels do respond brilliantly to body’s basic business.

  The raw and basic business of humanity is connect and harmony with elements within and those in the milieus around. This artistry of core wellness is innate and embedded in the body-brain synchrony. The bodies of man and woman are designed for the enterprise of the mutuality because it is the primary business of wellness. The raw elements of body-brain of the two bodies have the instinctive mechanism to connect and assimilate with each other to enhance the wellness space. It seems, the nature’s game plan has a primordial and transcendental acceptance of the ultimate utility of the mutuality between male and female elements. The mutuality is a cosmic conspiracy to keep the universe going.

  The man and woman mutuality and the raw element of core intimacy in the milieu is surely no business of words and language. All elemental and core utility have no words, only the primary sounds and raw acoustics of avowals. The music and dance have little utilities of words and language. The progression of the enterprises of music and dance is a conscious renunciation of the external and an acceptance of the journeys within. Intimacy is a brilliant mix of the best of both music and dance. Surely, it is ultimate artistry to renounce the cultural clutters of the consciousness, when deep in the intimacy music. The ingenuities of man or woman mind positioning needs to be renounced in the progression of intimacy as the music renounces words in its progression.

  He understands and accepts the utility of musicality in the symphony of intimacy. Like a maestro, who draws his musical instrument in soft embrace of his being and then unleashes the artistry of his hands on the instrument to create musical brilliance; he accepts her being in complete and perfect wholeness. He plays the musi
cal notes on her body and she imbibes the sincerity and wellness of the musical touches. The woman knows the business of touches and body-intent best. She is the magician of intangibilities.

  The music begins and in its progression, the external doors between the man and the woman are gradually being closed. Success has only singular probability – the optionlessness of the inevitability. When all other doors are closed, the optionlessness starts to build its pathway of inevitability. The door of mutuality is about to open as music of intimacy ascends the ultimate notes.

  She has already stopped thinking. It is usually threatening for a woman to surrender to her senses and lose connect with the ingenuities of her cultural mind consciousness. Since ages, there is a mind-training for women to keep her cultural mind consciousness upfront to deal with loads of intent-issues. However, once the woman dares to drop her guard and surrenders to the potential of her brilliantly empowered body basics; she eventually invites the marvel and magic to perform their ragas (melodies) of life.

  He lets his body render the melodic notes of his intent and innocence on the instrument he clasps around his being. She gradually lets her body absorb his innocence. The bodies begin to arrive at the pinnacle of communication. He starts the notes and she takes it from him and then adds her own charisma to the rhythm. The dualism of distinctiveness of bodies starts melting and mutuality is slowly but definitively taking over the space of consciousnesses of both beings. After a while, the maestro surrenders and the instrument takes his consciousness. She finally takes over and begins to have her notes played on him. The music elevates to a completely novel level of perfection. The wellness of consciousnesses has attained the singularity of purpose and it stands at the door of the ultimate mutuality.

  The dawn of mutuality opens up a completely new horizon of potentials. She is beginning to accept him and his being is there in mutuality-mode to be taken in. The initial awkwardness of man-woman dualism has definitely become elusive and given way to the raw objectivity of smoothness of mutuality. This is ideal platform for intents to ride on the utility of words. She starts the talk and words come to her like the primary seven notes of the music. He is not in words mode and lets her words lead probabilities. He has already attained the success of the enterprise and is least bothered about anything else. She has the words but they are not carrying any meaning. Her words are only her innate approval of the fruition of the enterprise.

  Destinies are very simple and precisely decipherable. The deep consciousness in perfect harmony of elements within and milieus outside can see it lying there just inside the abyss of poised beingness. All elements of life and living, which people believe as key ingredients of destinies have an instinctive nature. The elements – both tangible as well as intangibles have the pathway charted out for their final destinations. It is all about the choice of placement and gradient of life one accepts. The water, always settles at the surface level; it is its destiny. The river, which originates from high altitudes of mountains, is resourceful enough to chart its ways along the gradient of land and finally merge with the sea at the base levels. All elements also follow the similar destinies. However, men and women have questions and they always love to ask them. The river never asks the ocean before her assimilation into it. Men and women always ask questions and destinies have only a singular answer. She also has questions and she cannot resist asking it as she is a very resourceful river and the gradient slope of her life is taking her fast and furious towards her destiny. Her question is genuine and she needs to ask it.

  ‘Can I ask you something?’, she whispers in his lips.

  ‘Ask me anything. Always keep your questions alive. All your questions are treasures to me as they give me the golden sense of belief that you trust me with their answers. I wish to tell you that I may not have all right answers to your questions but I am very confident that I shall always have the intent to find them. I also know that even when individually, you and me may not have enough answers or the right ones but if we remain together and keep our mutuality growing, together, with you and me being in perfect proximity and harmony like now, we shall arrive at all answers. I know and accept that I am not perfect but I know this too and accept it to you that I no more own myself. I have already joined my consciousness and destiny with you. For me, this mutuality is my destiny. You be what you are. I am not asking you for anything. I just believe that all your questions are mine and together, we can have all answers. I am more than happy that you have accepted me for your questions. They are answers to the core question of my life-living wellness. Thanks for this endowment.’

  She says nothing. Her questions may not have been answered but she can see in his eyes and finds something, enough for her peace and poise. He lifts her in his arms and takes her to her bedroom. He wraps her around the blanket and softly caresses her tresses with his hands till she falls asleep. After a while, he tries to slip away but she holds his right hands and tightly shoves it on top of her gently throbbing heart.

  Early dawn, when he gets out of her apartment, he has his plans ready. He has deciphered his destiny and the preparations for the inevitable must begin.

  It is a fine morning and Paris is at its loveliest best. In her hotel room, she feels the youthfulness of a sunny morning and walks up to the window to have a look at the street below. Life has taken its pace and people are out on the street. An old woman, holding a stick in her hand is attempting to cross the road to reach the shops lined up on the other side. As cars and bikes whiz past her, she is reluctant to cross over all alone. She watches her predicament and thinks of going down to help her. Suddenly, an old man, wearing a white hat comes up, holds her hand and slowly takes her towards the other end. The old woman definitely knows him. Probably, he is her husband. The old man waves at the traffic and moves her. She looks happy, not even looking at the road or traffic, rather fixing her gaze on the face of her man. She is assured that he is there for her to lead her way to the destination. At the other side of the road, the old man shows up his bags to her and it looks she is disapproving of what he has bought. She then walks away, leaving the old man walking after her, continuously saying something, as if convincing her of his prudent buys.

  She suddenly remembers what he had said to her at her place, when they were having coffee. She smiles and murmurs to herself, ‘He was right, I am definitely just a symbol away from wellness’. She makes the decision. She picks up her phone and calls up her mother. She informs her about her trip and then comes to the point, for which she has called her.

  ‘Mom, I wonder, if dad genuinely feels it, says sorry to you and wants to be back, would you take him back in your life?’

  ‘Did he talk to you? Is it so?’

  ‘No he hasn’t. It just crossed in my mind. Would you…?’

  ‘I don’t know. If he genuinely accepts that things can be made to look better, I think it is terrific. Saying sorry or accepting back is not important. Important it is for him, as well as for me to understand and accept that we are old now. The small amount of energies, we are left with, is not there for sorting out differences. It has to be there for building bits and pieces of probabilities of mutuality, which always stand a chance or two, till you drop dead. We are at a stage of life, where we have little time and space left. Therefore, togetherness is no more required for competitiveness of time and space. It is required for merger of small pieces of each other’s remaining time and space to nurture a tiny domain of mutuality. Anyway, even if he keeps his romance with his stupidities, it is a bonus for me as it shall at least keep me busy…’

  Both daughter and mother laugh a lot. She is unusually happy and chirpy and her mother knows why. She asks her a pointed question but she avoids answering her. Suddenly, it flashes in her mind as why her mother also talked of the word mutuality. She is amazed at the coincidence of the word coming to her from all quarters.

  ‘Mom, you spoke about mutuality. You never used this word before. How come this word entering your lexicon?’

/>   ‘Oh yes… there is a young man in my life, whom I met just yesterday. He talks a lot about mutuality. I think, he has loads of it in his personality. He came to me and I am quite positive, I am more than ready to accept him in my life. He is coming later this evening and we are going out on a walk together. Probably, he shall take me to dinner too. He asked me for something, which I may not give him, as the thing he wants is such a lost stupid. However, I want him in my family; this looks a surety now!

  The mother daughter fight breaks out… The mother keeps teasing her and the daughter is happily angry at her. The mother keeps asking her pointed and straight questions and she refuses to answer them. Does she have the answers? Probably…!

  ‘Why should you ask me all this?’

  ‘Because, it’s time you have to. I am your mother, I need to know.’


  ‘About what and how you feel about this man? What’s up in your crazy mind?’

  ‘Mom… I am not sure… Can’t be definitive about him the way you are.’

  ‘Sure, it shall always be your discretion but you need to have your reasons right for whatever you think is right for you. I need to share your consciousness on that. It is important for my own wellness. In fact, as probably the way he would put it, it is only appropriate for our mutuality as mother and daughter.’

  ‘Mom, I understand that. The thing is, I have just started to accept his hypothesis about the mutuality principle. Things are surely not as straight forward as it is usually in most relationships. Rather, it is good for me. It is not about he loves me and I love him thing and therefore we should get married. In fact, I even don’t feel like in love with him. Honestly, I even don’t know how it feels to be in love. It is also not important. Whom you love is irrelevant proposition as what matters is that someone loves you. You loved dad a lot but probably he didn’t love you the same way. I know and accept that he loves me very much; though he has never said me I love you. There is something deeper and more meaningful hypothesis about relationships, which he probably wants me to get to. This mutuality hypothesis of his is something I have only just begun to internalize. I am accepting now, what he says that mutuality is not about love and marriage only. He talks about these things being just symbolisms. The actual realism of mutuality is what he wishes me to be in and it has just penetrated my consciousness. I still have questions and the brilliant thing about him is that he values my state of mind as well as my questions. I am growing in confidence that his template of life-wellness is overwhelmingly better than mine. Mine is rather botched up unstructured; thanks to dad and his ways with me. The good thing is that he is not insisting me to accept his template of life-wellness just because mine is not a great one. He simply wants to bring all issues at the door of mutuality. This I have accepted now. I have accepted his mutuality hypothesis and now, I am sure of one thing that I want him to take my hand and lead me to see and assess all realisms through this mutuality perspective.’